The first child born to William and Effie was a son who lived only 22 hours.
He is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Cleveland Ohio. His body was donated to science and buried with others, whose bodies
were donated to science, in a mass grave.
The second child born to William and Effie was a daughter, Margaret Wilma
Sponski Crook. Margaret was a caseworker for many years at the county department of human services. She married
Blaine Morris Crook and together they had a son, who was stillborn and a daughter, Michelle. Margaret passed
away approximately 13 years ago and her husband, Blaine 3 years before her death. Michelle raises her own two sons,
Dustin and Cody.
The third child of William and Effie is my mother, Betty Sponski Young.
She is married to Ramon John Wesley Young. I am one of three children.....Debbie Young Zupancic, William
Young, and Jeffrey Young. Betty and John have 5 grandchildren and 2 (soon to be three) great-grandchildren.